We Bought a Zoo (2011) is a family comedy-drama directed by Cameron Crowe and starring Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson. The family of Mee spends their last dime on a house with an old abandoned zoo. To save its inhabitants from extinction, the whole family will have to make a great effort. In order to reopen the zoo to the public, they will renovate it completely with the help of the zoo staff lead by an attractive 28-year-old woman named Kelly Foster.
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We Bought a Zoo (2011) is a family comedy-drama directed by Cameron Crowe and starring Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson.
The family of Mee spends their last dime on a house with an old abandoned zoo. To save its inhabitants from extinction, the whole family will have to make a great effort. In order to reopen the zoo to the public, they will renovate it completely with the help of the zoo staff lead by an attractive 28-year-old woman named Kelly Foster.